Suspicious Package

Release History

The table below summarizes the released versions of Suspicious Package, and what fixes and enhancements were made to each version. You can determine the version you have installed from Suspicious Package > About Suspicious Package, or from the Welcome to Suspicious Package window.

Release History for Suspicious Package
Version Changes
4.5 (1213) Released on August 30, 2024
  • On the All Files tab, apps and other executables now show their macOS version requirement in the info pane. If an executable supports multiple processor architectures, Suspicious Package shows the oldest supported version across all architectures (Intel support often goes back further than Apple Silicon).
  • Also on the All Files tab, a rule-based search can now find items based on their macOS version requirement. For example, you might want to search for all items where the required OS version is newer than 14.2 (or whatever version your organization is running).
  • When a package declares a top-level macOS version requirement, Suspicious Package now shows this on the Package Info tab (e.g. “Requires macOS 13.6 or later at install-time”). This declarative mechanism is quite old but is nevertheless lightly used; packages are perhaps more likely to use the Distribution JavaScript method for checking versions, but Suspicious Package does not examine that code. Note that this is strictly an install-time check, and is distinct from the version requirements declared by individual apps or executables, as shown on the All Files tab.
  • Any macOS version requirements are now included in diffable manifests, and any changes will be shown when using the Compare Packages command. If you've archived any diffable manifests created by previous versions of Suspicious Package, you might want to adjust the new Use manifest version pop-up in the Options pane of the File > Export as Diffable Manifest dialog: this can be used to eliminate differences caused by changes in the manifest format, as opposed to changes in the package.
  • Removed the For installing to a startup disk running pop-up from the File > Open dialog, as well as related UI. This only ever affected the handling of certain Apple-supplied packages that behaved differently before the advent of the signed system volume. Now that this transition is long past, Suspicious Package simply assumes an install to at least macOS 10.15 (Catalina). Likewise, the AppleScript open command's for installing to parameter, and the spkg tool's ‑‑target-os-version option, are still accepted (to avoid breaking existing scripts) but are ignored. Finally, Suspicious Package will no longer produce an informational message about this scenario on the Review tab.
  • Fixed a display bug on the All Scripts tab involving Dark Mode: the line number ruler was incorrectly using a Light Mode background and thus was basically unreadable.
  • Worked around a macOS bug (reported as FB13681128) that would prevent dragging from the Suspicious Package-generated Quick Look preview in the Finder's Preview pane. [Read More]
  • Compatibility updates for upcoming macOS 15 (Sequoia) release:
    • Fixed a potential crash when opening the Welcome to Suspicious Package window. This crash might occur only on an Apple-internal installation of macOS; we're not able to reproduce it ourselves.
  • The spkg CLI tool can now be used to open multiple packages with a single command.
4.4 (1088) Released on February 25, 2024
  • Added File > Show Launch Information for Item, which can be used on code-signed bundles or executables. It shows the code signing identity, as well as any explicit launch constraints that will gate the launch of that component on macOS 14 (Sonoma).
  • Added support for using Beyond Compare for the File > Compare Packages command. This can be configured via Suspicious Package > Preferences > Compare > Compare Packages Using.
  • Added a Swedish localization — thanks to Frank Winterpil for making this possible!
  • Updated the French localization — thanks to Olivier Prompt for keeping this going for so many years!
  • When using File > Show Item as Property List, you can now Control-click on an item (whether dictionary key or array item) to copy various bits to the clipboard: the key, the value or a new property list with just that item, in XML format. If the value is a pure data type, you can copy it as a hex string, or export it to a new file.
  • When using File > Show Item as Property List on Info.plist files, File > Show Entitlements for Item, or File > Show Entitlements for All Executables, recent search terms will now be preserved across packages and app launches.
  • Improved the handling of certain packages containing executables with older 32-bit Intel (or still older PowerPC) architecture support, so that they don't show (confusingly) as having “mixed Apple Silicon and Intel support” on the Package Info tab.
  • Fixed a bug where Kaleidscope 4 might not be able to be selected via Suspicious Package > Preferences > Compare > Compare Packages Using. If you had Kaleidscope 3 previously configured, version 4 would've worked, but Suspicious Package got confused because version 4 has a different bundle identifier. Now it should properly recognize version 4 and/or 3 in the UI. (In either case, Suspicious Package uses /usr/local/bin/ksdiff to initiate a compare, and it's up to that tool to choose which app to talk to.)
  • Fixed a bug where the entitlements for certain executables were not properly shown. (DER-format entitlements with dictionary values were not correctly decoded.)
  • Avoid triggering the macOS alert that “Suspicious Package would like to access data from other apps” when previewing a macOS Full Installer package. As explained here, Suspicious Package wasn't trying to access the data from anything other than its own Quick Look Preview extension, and it didn't really matter if you disallowed it. But it was annoying!
  • When exporting an item from a package, Suspicious Package will now ensure that all files are both readable and writable for the current user, regardless of the permissions specified by the package. It has always done this for directories (largely so that the exported item can be easily removed after examination), but non-writable files can trigger other subtle problems, such as not being able to remove the quarantine attribute and possibly triggering the app translocation behavior. Note that Suspicious Package has always ignored the package-specified ownership when exporting — one of the many ways that exporting is not installing.
  • Allow the use of File > Show Package in Finder (Cmd-Option-R) from the Welcome to Suspicious Package window, in case you want to reveal the selected package without having to open it first.
  • Removed support for macOS 11 (Big Sur).
4.3.3 (1065.5) Released on July 27, 2023
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Quick Look Preview extension — shown as “Suspicious Package (Finder)” in Activity Monitor — to burn up CPU long after a preview has been generated. This was triggered when spctl(8) took too long to return notarization status, and Suspicious Package didn't clean up properly — combined with some unfortunate behavior in macOS (reported to Apple as FB12757911, for what that's worth). This could also happen in the app, but it might not manifest as an issue there, especially if you're in the habit of quitting apps after using them.
4.3.2 (1065) Released on April 4, 2023
  • Added a new “Open With Suspicious Package” service, available from the Finder when a package is selected. This takes the place of the Finder's Open With context menu, which as of macOS 13.3, no longer shows anything except the official macOS Installer. [Read More]
  • Added preference to set the fixed-width font for viewing scripts on the All Scripts tab, in place of 11 point Menlo. Go to Suspicious Package > Preferences > General > Plain text font and click Select to choose from the standard font panel. [Read More]
  • Added support for using Araxis Merge for the File > Compare Packages command. This can be configured via Suspicious Package > Preferences > Compare > Compare Packages Using.
  • Improved Quick Look previews for certain types of scripts from the All Files tab. Specifically, where a script installed by the package doesn't have an explicit extension, but Suspicious Package can tell it's a script by virute of the #! directive, it will now preview as the source text, instead of a generic executable file (which even if you had Apparency installed, was unlikely to be interesting, since scripts are not going to be code-signed in the package payload).
  • Added File > Open Package With Archaeology, for when you need a lower-level view of the package signature details.
  • Provided a way to change where Suspicious Package writes the various temporary files that are required to analyze a package and export items from it. This is a “power user” feature and comes with a number of caveats, as discussed in great detail here.
4.3.1 (999) Released on December 14, 2022
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using File > Compare Packages Using BBEdit. The comparison actually would start correctly, but Suspicious Package would get impatient waiting for the bbdiff tool to exit, and would crash in the background after a couple of minutes. Now it will properly wait until the BBEdit window is closed, and proceed to clean up the temporary files it created.
  • When choosing Copy Path to Item (from the toolbar Action menu or the context menu), hold down the Option key to put a strictly plain text path on the clipboard. This can avoid problems pasting into apps that would otherwise try to read and interpret the referenced file. See more information here.
  • When viewing scripts on the All Scripts tab, Suspicious Package will now respect any fixed-width font size preference: read more about that here.
4.3 (996) Released on October 22, 2022
  • Compatibility updates for macOS 13 (Ventura), including:
    • Recognize new bundled launchd plists (for the new SMAppService API) as being of kind “Launchd job configuration.”
    • Stubbornly refuse to let our Preferences menu item be renamed to “Settings.” Sure, it's very generous of Apple to to automatically change this one string for us, but the menu item is referenced in dozens of other places in our alerts and documentation, and we just don't see the value in changing every one of those and having them be wrong for users on Monterey and Big Sur...
  • Added the File > Export as Diffable Manifest command. A “diffable manifest” is a folder that contains metadata about the installed files, scripts and other package attributes, in a way that can be archived and compared. For example, you might store the manifest in a Git repository, and then use git diff[tool] to compare different versions...
  • Or, if you have two versions of a package that you want to compare directly, you can ask Suspicious Package to create both diffable manifests and dispatch them to a comparison tool of your choice. Open both packages, and use File > Compare Packages. Rather than reinventing the wheel of file and folder comparison, we opted to leverage existing tools, such as Kaleidoscope and BBEdit. Go to Suspicious Package > Preferences > Compare to choose the comparison tool (and configure other options related to diffable manifests).
  • Allow for Quick Look previews of items on the All Scripts tab, via any of the usual methods — including just hitting the spacebar. Depending on what Quick Look preview extensions you have installed, this can be useful to get, for example, a syntax-colored view of a complicated script. Or if a script is some binary format, such as a Mach-O executable, an app like our own Apparency can provide a more useful preview. (Of course, Suspicious Package has always supported opening scripts in another application, e.g. via Shift-Cmd-O, but this provides an non-context-switching alternative.)
  • When requesting Quick Look previews (either from the All Files tab or now from the All Scripts tab), Suspicious Package tries to “convince” macOS to choose a better preview extension for some files, by making a temporary copy with an adjusted file name. For example, on the All Scripts tab, a script named postinstall might be uselessly previewed as a Unix Executable File, but if Suspicious Package knows it's a Python script (from the #! directive), we will ask Quick Look to preview it as instead -- thus showing the actual source text of the script. Likewise, on the All Files tab, a file named rules.dict might be previewed as a generic Document, but if Suspicious Package finds that the content is a macOS property list, we'll ask Quick Look to preview it as rules.dict.plist, showing the property list in XML form. When this trick is used, Suspicious Package will show a pencil icon next to the file name at the top of the preview: click this for details about the file kinds that Suspicious Package inferred and how it renamed the temporary copy.
  • Fix (we hope) a problem where a Quick Look preview would sometimes show a “broken app” icon — that is, the regular app icon with the circle-slash over it. There is some strange macOS bug here, which would resolve itself if the same item was previewed again, but Suspicious Package now tries harder to prevent it from happening in the first place.
  • Fix a problem where the Quick Look preview for a macOS Full Installer package might fail to show the macOS version information, saying “Can't get the macOS version in this full installer package.” This seemed to happen only if the package was quarantined.
  • On the All Files tab, show the Date Modified for folders and other directories. Suspicious Package has historically not shown these, because the package metadata (i.e. the Bom file) didn't capture them. But with the enhancements in version 4.2 to read more info from the payload (CPIO), it is possible to get directory timestamps. These modification times usually do get preserved by the macOS Installer, with some exceptions, such as for bundles that get registered with LaunchServices, and directories that already existed prior to the installation.
  • When using File > Show Destination Folder in Finder or Edit > Copy from the All Files tab (or their equivalents from the toolbar action menu), Suspicious Package will now check to see if the package was previously installed in your home directory (per an existing receipt), and if so, will qualify the path accordingly. Suspicious Package doesn't generally try to predict where the package might be installed, but in this case, the receipt provides a decent clue where it already has been installed.
  • Mitigated potential vulnerabilities related to CVE-2021-30873 and the macOS “Saved Application State” feature. This is the mechanism that reopens app windows in the same state after a restart (if Reopen windows when logging back in is checked on the confirmation alert) or after quitting and reopening the app (with Close windows when quitting an app unchecked in System Preferences > General). While we were working in this area, we improved the performance and efficiency of this state-saving, particularly where Close windows when quitting an app is unchecked.
  • In the (probably) rare case where a package contains a “simplified” Bom (one that lists file paths but has no other metadata), Suspicious Package will now highlight this with a critical review warning. It will still show the info that it did find in the Bom, a bit less confusingly than before.
  • Fix the (probably) rare cases in which Suspicious Package would report that a Scripts archive “is compressed and can't be streamed.” Some xar-format packages are, for some unknown reason, built such that the usual encoding attributes are missing from the TOC. Since the macOS Installer is not bothered by this, Suspicious Package should not complain about it either.
  • Enhancements to the spkg command line tool:
    • The new --manifest option exports a diffable manifest for a package without having to open it in the app. This uses the same options as set in the app via Suspicious Package > Preferences > Compare.
    • The new --difftool option compares two packages without having to open them in the app. As with File > Compare Packages, the diffable manifests are created in a temporary location and deleted again when the diff tool exits. This uses the same comparison app (and the same diffable manifest options) as set in the app via Suspicious Package > Preferences > Compare.
    • Run spkg without arguments to see usage details for these.
  • Enhancements to the AppleScript support:
    • The File > Export as Diffable Manifest command can be used via a new AppleScript command, e.g. export diffable manifest to folder
    • Consult the Suspicious Package scripting dictionary for details and examples.
  • Removed support for macOS 10.15 (Catalina).
4.2.1 (932) Released on April 10, 2022
  • The Review tab no longer warns that Bash installer scripts are using a “deprecated runtime” — read more about that here. Installer scripts using the built-in Python, Perl or Ruby runtimes will still trigger this warning, however.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening any package, triggered by a certain configuration of macOS language preferences. (Specifically, where the AppleLanguages key is not defined in the per-user global defaults, which happens for some users for mysterious reasons.)
  • Show a less confusing error on the Package Info tab in the case where a component package is missing or corrupted. Previously, this would say that the package “couldn't be opened,” but it wasn't clear that this was referring to the component package. Also, this scenario no longer causes an incorrect package format suggesting there are external components.
  • Some updated French translations that didn't make it into version 4.2.
4.2 (923) Released on March 14, 2022
  • Extracts more information from the actual payload which would be installed by a package:
    • Shows the Executable architectures for apps, bundles and standalone executables, in the info pane of the All Files tab.
    • Shows the Entitlements requested by apps and other executables, via button in the info pane of the All Files tab, or by using File > Show Entitlements for Item (Cmd-Control-E). This entitlements inspector also provides direct links to Apple documentation for specific entitlement keys, where available.
    • Improves accuracy of the Kind for certain items on the All Files tab, especially Mach-O executables, scripts and variations on property list files.
    • Shows the Identifier and Version, on the info pane of the All Files tab, even for bundles that aren't fully declared by the package metadata.
    • Provides access to the code signing identity — also known as a “designated requirement” — for apps or other executables, via Copy Code Signing Identity for Item from the toolbar Action button or from the (Control-click) context menu.
    • Adds new filters for rule-based searching from the All Files tab:
      • contains code to find all apps, bundles (with code) and standalone executables in the package
      • executable architecture that supports or doesn't support a specific processor architecture — such as Apple Silicon — to find where required support may be missing
      • is entitled code to find all apps or other executables that request any entitlements
      • entitlement key to find apps or other executables that request a specific entitlement
      • code signing identity to find apps or other executables by their designated requirement string (or a portion thereof)
      For a package with a large payload, it may take some time for Suspicious Package to finish analyzing that payload and make all of the above information available. On the All Files tab, the progress for “Analyzing payload” will appear in the status bar. Once this completes, the info pane and any rule-based search will update accordingly.
    • More information about processor support on the Package Info tab: instead of just telling you what the package metadata declares (and if the macOS Installer will run under Rosetta 2), Package Info summarizes the state of all executable items in the package, so you can see at a glance if, say, “all executable items support Apple Silicon and Intel processors.”
    • The Package Info tab summarizes the entitlements requested across all executable items in the package: click on this line — or use File > Show Entitlements for All Executables (Cmd-Control-A) — to show a single “merged” view of all entitlements. You can also select an entitlement and copy the identifying information for all apps and other executables that request it, in a form that can be pasted directly into a PPPC Profile. [Read More]
    • The Package Info tab shows if a notarized package has also been “stapled.” If it has been, you can click on this line to show details from the notarization ticket, including the digests that it contains and how they correspond to apps and other executables inside the package.
    • The Review tab shows warnings for any discrepancies between the bundle identifier or version as declared by the package and that found in the payload.
  • When using File > Show Item as Property List (Cmd-Option-O) on an Info.plist file, the property list inspector provides direct links to Apple documentation for specific plist keys, where available.
  • The Review tab warns about any installer scripts that are using built-in runtimes which Apple has declared as “deprecated” (and which they are already starting to remove). This can alert you if the package might not work correctly in newer versions of macOS.
  • A new filter on the All Scripts tab for script uses deprecated runtime also lets you see all scripts which might be problematic.
  • Improves accuracy of the Kind of some items on the All Scripts tab, especially where there is an explicit extension that doesn't quite match the #! directive.
  • Recognizes packages with TestFlight signatures as Apple-signed things, akin to App Store-signed packages.
  • Enhancements to AppleScript terminology to support the above improvements:
    • New supported architectures property on installed item to retrieve architectures contained in an app or other executable item
    • New supports command to test if an item will run on a specified processor, to avoid having to match multiple related architecture types (e.g. an arm64e processor can run arm64e or arm64 code, so supports processor arm64e will match either).
    • New entitlement elements on installed items, which can be retrieved en masse or for a specific entitlement key.
    • New requests command to test a possibly complex entitlement for the presence of a specific value.
    • New content type for the find command, to more efficiently loop over the results of find code and use the supports or requests command, without having to iterate every file in the package.
    • New entitlement property list data property on installed item to retrieve the entire set of entitlements as an XML-serialized property list, for writing to disk and/or passing off to some other application.
    • New code signing identity property on installed item to retrieve the designated requirement string.
    • New code signing digests property to retrieve the cdhashes associated with an installed item (there is one per architecture, so having multiple is not uncommon).
    • Use Help > Open Scripting Dictionary for more information and new sample code.
  • Fixed problems where the AppleScript export command would sometimes not actually perform the export, especially if the installed items were not previously accessed by the script, and/or if the document is closed immediately after the export command.
4.1 (880) Released on December 7, 2021
  • Get a Quick Look preview of any item directly from the All Files tab:
    • Select a file or folder and choose File > Quick Look (Cmd-Y), or simply hit the spacebar, as in the Finder.
    • Suspicious Package automatically exports the item (to a temporary location) and previews it with macOS Quick Look.
    • If you have Apparency installed, this is a quick way to see details like supported processor architectures, code signature info, Gatekeeper status and more.
  • Get details about macOS Full Installer packages from the Package Info tab:
    • Shows the version and build of macOS that would be installed.
    • Shows the additional package size occupied by system file payload.
    • Provides quick access to mount the embedded disk image.
    • Also available from Quick Look Preview (on macOS 11 or later).
  • The attributes on the info pane are more universally selectable and copyable. [Read More]
  • Added a new Review warning for packages that install files into temporary locations such as /tmp, which are probably being moved elsewhere during a postinstall script. While this might “work” in the simplest case, it can be troublesome. Especially if you are using any kind of automated deployment mechanism, you may be interested in knowing when packages do this.
  • Added support for new compression styles in macOS installer package payloads, possible with the new (to macOS 12) ‑‑compression option on pkgbuild(1). It's undocumented exactly which styles of compression might actually be enabled by this flag — we suspect only LZMA block-based compression, which Suspicious Package already supported — but we now support everything that the standard compression_tool(1) does.
  • Fixed some longstanding bugs with the handling of the Action and Path toolbar buttons when they are pushed into overflow section or used in Text Only mode.
  • Removed support for macOS 10.14 (Mojave).
  • Removed legacy Quick Look preview generator, which we weren't testing or supporting on anything beyond Mojave. These old style of Quick Look generators have been deprecated by Apple for some years now.
4.0 (826) Released on August 28, 2021
  • Refreshed the UI to better fit the aesthetic of the Central Coast era of macOS.
  • Compatibility updates for macOS 12 (Monterey), including:
    • Added support for the new “large payload” feature of macOS Installer packages. This feature, enabled by the ‑‑large‑payload option of pkgbuild(1) or productbuild(1), is required if the package delivers any single file that exceeds 8 GB in size. Suspicious Package will now properly analyze and export from such packages, even when running on macOS 11 or earlier (although only the macOS 12 Installer will properly install the package).
    • Fixed a crash that would occur — at least on some beta versions of Monterey — when a matching receipt is found for the opened package.
  • Added information about the package format to the Package Info tab: this identifies the structure of the package (such as “Distribution Archive” or “Component Package”) and may be relevant if you are using certain mass deployment mechanisms. However, if you are just going to double-click the package to open the Installer, this is probably not something you need to be concerned with.
  • Added the ability to search the installed files based on the POSIX mode of the file or folder. For example, you can use a rule like file mode sets any bit in mask 0022, which will show any files or folders that are installed as writable to group or everyone. See this FAQ entry for detailed instructions and examples.
  • Added the ability to search the installed files based on the component package that installs it. This was possible before using a package ID rule, but required re-entering the component package identifier; the new component package rule type has a pop-up to make selection easier, and shows package names as well as identifiers.
  • Added an option in Suspicious Package > Preferences > General to Show PackageInfo files on All Scripts tab. Turn this on to see the original PackageInfo XML file from each component package, grouped with the scripts on the All Scripts tab. Suspicious Package already interprets these files, and presents the information in them in what we hope is a more useful way. But if you need to see the underlying file, this makes it more convenient.
  • Attempted to improve the handling of the review issue flagging that “one or more scripts in this package may be run when the macOS Installer opens...” Specifically, the Show Scripts That Run on Open button wouldn't actually show the Distribution file, which is often necessary for understanding what exactly will run. Also, Suspicious Package will now give you the option of turning on the preference that controls showing the Distribution.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the count of installed items on the Package Info tab to be incorrect, usually by a small number. This was a longstanding discrepancy related to the way that package Bom files get read and merged.
  • Fixed display of some unusual and archaic item names, such as “Icon^M”.
3.7 (773) Released on March 7, 2021
  • Runs natively on Apple Silicon Macs.
  • Improved compatibility with macOS 11 (Big Sur), including:
    • Adopted the new “unified” style for the toolbar, and updated the icons to fit in better with the general Big Sur “design language” — especially when the toolbar is configured for Icon Only mode.
    • Updated to a new iOS-style Big Sur-style app icon. We're still not fans, but since our app icons were all circles before, we can't get too snotty about them all being “squircles” now. Having every icon on the system be the same shape seems a dubious improvement to macOS, but our icons aren't going to change anything.
    • Fixed other display and icon issues throughout the app.
  • Added information about the supported processor architectures to the Package Info tab. This is relevant when running on an Apple Silicon Mac, where a package that doesn't explicit declare its support will wind up running the macOS Installer under Rosetta 2.
  • Made the Quick Look preview more usable from the Finder's preview pane, i.e. View > Show Preview. Since the preview pane is typically much smaller, and since some information is shown directly by the Finder at the bottom of that pane, Suspicious Package now uses a more compact format here. When using View > as Gallery, or the classic separate window of File > Quick Look Item, Suspicious Package still creates a larger and more complete preview. Unfortunately, Apple provides no proper way for us to detect what context we're being shown in, so there's a bit of guesswork involved here, but we think it at least works better than it did.
  • Fixed some bugs in the handling of the toolbar, including the fact that changes made via View > Customize Toolbar did not get saved, and that items pushed into the trailing “overflow” section of the toolbar did not get enabled properly.
  • Fixed a bug where the Terminal might be chosen as a logical default app for opening a non-text install script, such as a Mach-O binary: this never should've been suggested as a default, since it would run the binary and would be unsafe. Instead, Suspicious Package now chooses to show the item in the Finder if there's no more logical default.
  • Fixed a bug in handling the unusual situation in which a package contains a folder whose name ends with a space character. Suspicious Package would show two versions of the folder, and could produce spurious Review messages about sizes being incorrect.
3.6 (736) Released on October 15, 2020
  • Updated for general compatibility with macOS 11 (Big Sur) — albeit with some caveats.
  • Added French localization — thanks to Olivier Prompt for making this possible!
  • For macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and later, Quick Look previews are now generated by a Quick Look Preview Extension: this changes the information available in the preview. The old-style Quick Look generators were deprecated by Apple.
  • Added File > Show as Property List for inline viewing (and searching) of “All Openable Items” that are recognized as some sort of property list — such as Info.plist files.
  • Better handle packages with no component packages, especially where these run code on opening the macOS Installer.
  • If a package is corrupted in some way and can't be opened at all, gives better feedback, especially from the Welcome to Suspicious Package window, which used to just quietly do nothing in this case.
  • Improved inferencing of file types in the All Scripts tab, especially for interpreted scripts with more complex #! incantations.
  • Better handling of compiled AppleScript (scpt) files in the All Scripts tab, no longer mistaking them for plain text, nor causing Quick Look previews to fail as a result.
  • Removed support for macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).
3.5.3 (586) Released on April 12, 2020
  • The Receipts tab (added in version 3.5) is now visible automatically. Previously, it would be added only when you clicked on the Previously Installed line in the Package Info tab or used Window > Receipts, but this proved difficult to discover. If you find this annoying and want to go back to the previous behavior, turn off Preferences > General > Show Receipts tab.
  • Added File > Show Package in Finder (Cmd-Option-R)
  • Added Edit > Copy Path for Package (Cmd-Option-C)
  • When exporting a file or folder, you can now prevent Suspicious Package from stripping off any access control lists that were defined by the package. Normally, we strip these by default, because the ACLs might prevent the exported item from being removed again, which can be confusing. But if you know what you're doing, you might want to inhibit this. You can either:
    • Use File > Export Item, and uncheck Remove any access controls from exported items before clicking Save.
    • Use the AppleScript export command, adding without access controls removed
  • Added AppleScript support for specifying the target macOS version, i.e. for proper interpretation of packages that use a writable startup volume folder. You can use something like open file "X.pkg" for installing to macOS 10.15
3.5.2 (577) Released on November 3, 2019
  • Ongoing attempts to improve behavior on macOS 10.15 (Catalina):
    • The “Welcome to Suspicious Package” window provides a way to bring back finding packages in Catalina's newly protected folders (Desktop, Downloads and Documents). You can choose Fix and pick which folders you'd like Suspicious Package to search, and it will ask macOS for the appropriate permissions. Read more info here.
    • Opening the Preferences window ought to no longer trigger the “Suspicious Package would like to access files in your Downloads folder” dialog, after upgrading to Catalina. You will still be prompted the first time you use the File > Export Item to Default Folder command, but it should make more sense why that is happening.
  • Fixed a crash that might occur when the installer scripts contain empty property list or strings files (such as inside an app bundled along with the scripts).
  • Improved the handling of XML-format property lists and text-format strings files inside the installer scripts: these are more reliably displayed directly by Suspicious Package, instead of requiring that you open them in another app.
3.5.1 (568) Released on September 2, 2019
  • Updated for general compatibility with macOS 10.15 (Catalina). We fixed a number of problems, but there are some areas where usability has been unavoidably degraded by new restrictions imposed by macOS — most notably, folder access permission dialogs and elimination of “open in app” buttons from the Quick Look preview.
  • Added support for packages that install into an alternate folder on Catalina-format startup disks: see more info.
  • More sensible behavior for the Copy Path for Item command, when pasting into a text context other than the Terminal: instead of producing just the name of the item, it now produces the full path as expected.
  • Fixed other minor bugs.
3.5 (525) Released on June 2, 2019
  • Added Receipts tab, showing information about component packages and any matching receipts found on the startup disk. To access the Receipts info:
    • Use Window > Receipts (Command-6)
    • In the Package Info tab, click on “Previously installed on...” line
    • From the spkg tool, use the new --reveal-receipt option (see usage)
    • From AppleScript, use the new component package element (see Scripting Dictionary)
  • If macOS reports that the package is notarized, Suspicious Package shows this on the Package Info tab, and in the Quick Look preview. This is only when running on macOS 10.14 (Mojave). The notarization status will also be shown by spkg --show-signature, and is available from AppleScript via the new notarized property on the installer package element.
  • Restored individual certificate validity information to the signature detail section of the Quick Look preview.
  • Fixed various minor bugs, including some performance, scripting and accessibility issues.
  • Removed support for macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and OS X 10.11 (El Capitan).
3.4.1 (395) Released on December 10, 2018
  • Improved the “Welcome to Suspicious Package” window to behave better when Spotlight finds non-local packages — such as packages in iCloud Drive or some other download-on-demand cloud provider. (Well, we think it performs better, but we're not in a position to test every cloud provider, and haven't received any actionable information. If you see problems with this and care to help us debug it, please contact us.)
  • Added an Internet Access Policy to Suspicious Package: this is a mechanism defined by Objective Development, the makers of Little Snitch. If you use Little Snitch, you'll get more useful information about Suspicious Package's network connection attempts — which are for one purpose only: the periodic checking for an updated version of the app.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause items to be omitted when exporting a folder from certain unusually constructed packages. (These items were always shown in the All Files tab; this bug affected only the completeness of the export.)
  • Fixed a handful of minor bugs.
3.4 (381) Released on September 17, 2018
  • Enhanced for Dark Mode appearance and accent color preferences on macOS 10.14 (Mojave).
  • Added “Welcome to Suspicious Package” window, giving quick access to recently downloaded packages, and guidance for new users. [Read More]
  • Added ability to open InstallESD.dmg without changing the file extension first. [Read More]
  • Updated for general compatibility with macOS 10.14 (Mojave).
  • This version still works back to OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), but will likely be the last significant update that does.
  • Removed the “Move Old Plug-in to Trash” feature, since the standalone version of the Quick Look plug-in is long gone.
  • Uses TLS (a.k.a. HTTPS) for update checking and for linking to the User Guide and FAQ. (These have been redirecting since July 2018, but we now use HTTPS directly.)
  • Uses the “hardened runtime” and is “notarized” by Apple — these are security features added to macOS 10.14 (Mojave).
  • Fixed a few crashes and a handful of minor bugs.
3.3.2 (300) Released on May 29, 2018
  • Fixed a bug where exporting certain high-level folders would fail, remaining stuck forever as “Waiting for other exports.”
  • A secondary click (i.e. a control-click or a right-click) on an item in the All Files tab will now offer a context menu, similar to the Action menu on the toolbar: this can be used to quickly export or open a particular item that is already under the mouse pointer. This also works for items in the scripts browser.
  • In the Info pane, if you click on the Kind, Owner, Group or Permissions to change the view of that metadata attribute, Suspicious Package will now keep that choice for future windows or tabs (so that you don't have to keep changing it every time). Of course, you can the attribute again at any point; the last view you selected for a given attribute will always be the new default.
3.3.1 (296) Released on January 18, 2018
  • Added the “spkg” command-line tool, which can be used to quickly open a package in Suspicious Package. This can also be used to retrieve information about the package signature from the Terminal (or from a shell script). For more information about the “spkg” tool — and how to install it — see the User Guide.
  • Fixed a bug where the Scripts Browser would sometimes show scripts in an apparently arbitrary order, when using macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and the Apple File System (APFS).
  • Fixed a bug where the Export Item and Open With commands were incorrectly enabled for receipts, which don't have the actual installed files for exporting or opening. (Of course, those files might actually be installed on the system, depending on what has happened since the install that created the receipt.)
  • Fixed a bug where setting Suspicious Package as the default application for installer packages — via Finder's File > Get Info > Open With > Change All — would cause a generic document icon to be used for packages in the Finder (more info).
3.3 (276) Released on September 15, 2017
  • Added support for macOS 10.13 (High Sierra). This included fixing a crash that might occur when closing windows, and correcting the way that revoked certificates are displayed (they had been shown as generically untrusted rather than as explicitly revoked).
  • If a package has a verified signing time, Suspicious Package now shows that information when you use Window > Signature Details (Command-5). This is particularly interesting when the certificate would be otherwise considered expired.
  • Fixed a problem where a prior install was (sometimes) not noted on the Package Info tab.
  • The Suspicious Package app now tries harder to activate its Quick Look plug-in, especially after the app has been moved or updated, or after macOS has been updated (more info).
  • Removed support for OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) and OS X 10.9 (Mavericks).
  • Updated the license agreement to be a bit more explicit, although it is still quite minimalist. Use Help > License Agreement to access it from within the app.
3.2 (241) Released on September 10, 2016
  • Added support for macOS 10.12 (Sierra).
  • Fixed compatibility problems with Sierra's automatic window tabs feature, including the broken Window > Show Previous Tab and Window > Show Next Tab commands. Read more about window tabs in Suspicious Package.
  • In the Quick Look preview, added Show in Suspicious Package buttons, which open the app directly to a specific file, folder or installer script. From the file browser, hold down the Command key to reveal the Show in Suspicious Package buttons; from the scripts browser, select the script and the button will be shown next to the script name.
  • Especially on Sierra, be sure to download the disk image, not the XIP archive (more info).
3.1 (217) Released on May 30, 2016
  • Added support for exporting a selected file or folder, allowing its content to be inspected:
    • Use File > Export Item — or drag the item into the Finder — to start an export.
    • Click the Exports toolbar button Exports toolbar button to see and manage running and completed exports.
    • From AppleScript, use the new export command to start an export.
  • Added support for opening certain installed files in another application. This includes plain text files and property lists that are reasonably small. Use File > Open Item With.
  • Added a way to reveal an installer script in the Finder, so it can be easily manipulated even if no apps are available to directly open it. Use File > Open Item With > Finder.
  • Searching from the Help menu now finds information from the User Guide and FAQ.
  • Fixed a problem where temporary items (such as installer scripts that had been opened in another application) would not always get deleted when the Suspicious Package window was closed. (OS X would eventually delete these, but Suspicious Package now does a better job of cleaning them up in a timely manner.)
3.0 (152) Released on February 29, 2016
  • Initial app version of Suspicious Package (which now bundles the Quick Look plug-in).
  • Finder-like browsing of installed files, with additional metadata.
  • Viewing of installer scripts in proper editor UI, with clipboard and find support.
  • Ability to open installer scripts in external applications.
  • Support for searching and filtering across files or scripts, and for saving searches.
  • Tracking of browsing history to provide Back and Forward navigation.
  • Tab-based UI, with ability to open multiple tabs for files or scripts.
  • Performs analysis of package and flags potential issues for user review.
  • Scriptability via AppleScript.
  • Support for OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or OS X 10.9 (Mavericks). Removed support for OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion).
2.0.2 (49) Released on November 11, 2015
  • Fixed a problem where, for certain untrusted package signatures, the individual certificates may have been shown as valid (when the certificate details were disclosed). The overall package signature status was always shown correctly — as untrusted — but the per-certificate status might have been inconsistent with that top-level untrustworthiness.
  • Fixed a problem where a package with a damaged Bom file would not be reported as an error.
  • Fixed a problem where certain packages that could be installed into the user's home directory (such as Suspicious Package's own package!) would not be designated as such.
  • Fixed a problem with the icons on folders with omitted contents (in packages with an exceptionally large number of files). On OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), these were being shown with a generic document icon, instead of a “private” folder icon.
2.0.1 (45) Released on February 3, 2015
  • Fixed problem introduced by the OS X 10.10.2 update (reported to Apple as Quick Look bug 19664886), where Suspicious Package would show only a mess of un-styled text instead of a proper Quick Look preview.
2.0 (40) Released on September 3, 2014
  • Improved display of files to be installed. Automatically expands to show top-level bundles, frameworks and Unix directories. Option-click on a closed folder to show everything inside it.
  • Shows version information for bundles, where available. Click on the version number to cycle through other available information, such as the bundle identifier.
  • Enhanced and more complete display of package scripts. Click “Runs X install scripts” to see all the scripts in the package, including those invoked by other scripts in a flat-style package. Shows additional information about how scripts are invoked, with what arguments.
  • Shows scripts that may be run immediately upon opening the package, e.g. to check system requirements. These are what trigger the confounding “this package will run a program” warning in the OS X Installer.
  • Shows status of the package signature, if present. Allows examination of the certificate chain used to sign the package [details].
  • Indicates if the package contains plug-ins that customize the Installer UI. These also contain code that may run immediately upon opening the package (and also trigger the “this package will run a program” warning).
  • Added proper support for Macs with Retina displays.
  • Added periodic (monthly) check for future updates to Suspicious Package. When an update is available, a button will appear at the bottom of the Suspicious Package preview window [details].
  • Support for OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion). Removed support for OS X 10.7 (Lion) and OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).
1.3 (10) Released on January 24, 2012
  • Fixed compatibility problems on Mac OS X 10.7.3 (Lion).
  • No longer supports Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or PowerPC.
1.2 (8) Released on July 19, 2009
  • Upgraded to work on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).
  • Fixed various bugs that caused incorrect previews or a generic preview for specific packages.
1.1 (4) Released on March 1, 2008
  • Added support for metapackages.
  • Fixed problem where the actual installation location was not shown for some packages.
  • Added indication when a package requires authentication with an administrator password.
  • Added indication when a package requires a system restart (or shut down, or log out) after installation.
  • Added indication when a package has install scripts, and an option to view the actual scripts [details].
  • Added support for installer receipts and .bom files.
1.0.1 (2) Released on January 27, 2008
  • Fixed a bug where Suspicious Package would crash — thereby failing to create a Quick Look preview — if there was a non-ASCII character in the path to the package.
1.0 (1) Released on January 18, 2008
  • Initial release of Suspicious Package.